DIY Your Brand: A Guide to Building Your Brand Identity

Starting a business and not in a place where custom branding makes sense? I have great news, you can easily create a DIY brand identity that will take you through those first 6 months while you are hustling and signing those first few clients. Building your brand identity when you’re just starting out is not only doable but can be a great option! As someone who’s helped many brands build a strong found for their business, I’m excited to guide you through this process. Let’s explore how you can create a strong foundation for your brand.

Start with Strategy: The Foundation of Your Brand

Before diving into the visual aspects, it’s crucial to lay down some groundwork. Think of this as the foundation of your brand – it’s what everything else will build upon.

Here’s where to begin:

  1. Identify your unique qualities: What sets you apart from others in your field? Pinpoint these qualities and embrace them.
  2. Define your ideal client: Who is the person you’re most excited to work with? Be specific in your description.
  3. Visualize your brand persona: If your brand was a person, who would they be? And if they were to host an event, what would it be like?

These questions might seem unconventional, but they’re designed to help you nail down the essence of your brand. Understanding this core identity will guide all your future branding decisions.

Bringing Your Brand to Life Visually

With your strategy in place, it’s time to translate your brand identity into visual elements. Remember, every design choice should align with the brand essence you’ve defined. Here’s how to approach it:

  1. Create a moodboard: This is a visual representation of your brand’s feel. Include images that resonate with your brand identity – typography inspiration, interior design styles, fashion elements, anything that captures the essence of your brand.
  2. Choose your colors thoughtfully: Select colors that align with the emotions you want your brand to evoke. Color psychology plays a significant role in brand perception.
  3. Keep your logo design simple: A clean, typographic logo can look professional and high-end without being overly complex.
  4. Develop a cohesive color palette: Aim for 6 colors or fewer. If you’re finding it challenging, start with one color that resonates with your brand and explore different shades of it to create contrast.
  5. Select complementary fonts: Choose 2-3 fonts that align with your brand and are easily readable. If you’re unsure, consider selecting fonts from the same family and establish a clear hierarchy.
  6. Create supporting graphics: Develop unique icons and graphics that will represent your brand across various platforms. Ensure you have versatile options for different applications.
  7. Curate on-brand photography: Source or create high-quality images that align with your brand’s visual style. Consistency and quality are key here.

Your DIY Brand Action Plan

  1. Develop your moodboard: Gather inspirational images that capture your brand’s essence.
  2. Select your color palette: Choose colors that communicate your brand’s emotions effectively.
  3. Design your logo: Keep it simple and impactful. Remember, your logo is just one element of your overall brand.
  4. Choose your fonts: Select 2-3 fonts that are on-brand and highly legible.
  5. Create brand graphics: Develop a suite of graphics and icons for various applications.
  6. Curate your imagery: Source or create high-quality, on-brand photography.

A Smart Start for Your Brand

Starting with a DIY brand identity is a savvy approach many successful founders take. It allows you to establish your presence without a significant initial investment. As your business grows and generates profit, you can then reinvest in your brand, potentially working with a professional to refine and elevate your brand identity.

If you’re interested in seeing this process in action, I encourage you to check out this video [insert link] which demonstrates a real-life brand evolution.

Ready to Elevate Your Brand?

Creating your own brand identity can be an exciting and rewarding process. However, if you find yourself needing guidance, feeling overwhelmed, or simply wanting professional input, remember that support is available.

// I’m here to help you take your brand to the next level. Whether you need a complete brand overhaul or just some expert fine-tuning, I’m committed to helping you create a brand that truly represents your unique business. Let’s work together to bring your vision to life and create a brand that resonates with your ideal audience.


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Your Instagram bio page is prime real estate. So hit the backspace on that Linktree, and let's give your audience a memorable place to land (and stick around).

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© 2023 Clair Monet Creative, LLC  |  All Rights Reserved  |  Photography by Nick X Sadie